Our Father, Which Art In Heaven, Hallowed Be Thy Name...

hello everyone! I am here to remind you to please keep up-to-date with the [praying for] page, there could be new ones added everyday! thanks!

February 7, 2011

[you can call me CRAZY]

As Bleah Briann once said in a post about Carrie Underwood vs. Taylor Swift... this is my blog... my opinion.... so please, feel free to dissagree... but my opinions are my opinions.... and I definantly know some people who will disagree completely... and to be honest.... I don't really care  :)

There are some crazy people out there.
There are some crazy books out there.
There are some crazy songs out there.
There are some crazy songs out there.
There are some crazy poems out there.
And I can tell you one thing... I am different than most.... I go for the abnormal... and I live in the extroidinary.... and I absolutely love the crazy things... well, some of them  :)

This is not one of those subjects that I spend hours and hours talking about.... all I can say is that... (I know a lot of you will not be happy with this...)

not the, "in love" type of like... I mean I like his music...  :)


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