"Love one another as I have loved you."
John 13:34
That verse is so misunderstood and understated these days...
How many of you love Justin Bieber?
Yeah, none of you...
How many of you hate Justin Bieber?
Yeah, okay, all of you...
How many of you love him because God made them and that is what we are called to do? That's right, about, umm, no one...
God created Justin Bieber just like He created you, fearfully and wonderfully.
He loves them just like He loves you, undying and everlasting (I know, I am redundant sometimes...).
He cares for them just like He cares for you, carefully and willingly.
Justin Beaver Bieber
If you think about it, Justin is just a normal teenager with a passion to sing and be himself. And if you really think about it, he really is an extremely talented kid with a mom and a dad, who are divorced and living seperatly.
Justin is just like you and me, he loves God and to be honest, is just a normal teenager, interested in girls and living life to the fullest- fun and extreme.
One time, he even said, "I have never been kissed... so sometimes before bed I practice on my teddy bear..."
Don't get me wrong, I am not one of those people who are like OH MY GOSH! IT'S JUSTIN BIEBER. In fact, when I see him I think, Wow! He is really talented and in some ways kind of cool. God loves him and thats all that matters...
How could you hate him when he was created just like you and me?
I mean, he laughs, he cries, he goes through hard times, he has good times.
He has friends, he has enemies, he even gets hurt sometimes...
I hope through reading this post that you will understand that God loves the people that we don't love sometimes. Some people get a little more than others, like a recording contract and a bunch of people who adore you. But to be honest, I love Justin Bieber because God loves him and he is just a kid that does what he loves to do :)